Thora Jee Le 2017 Urdu Pakistani
The story of seven people with vividly different backgrounds, The story is about self-discovery, friendship, and trust between friends, who venture on a journey of a lifetime only to discover that FATE has different plans for all of them.
Thora Jee Le 2017 Urdu Pakistani Watch Online free movie
Views: 943
Genre: Drama , Pakistani movies
Actor: Bilal Abbas Khan , Rizwan Ali Jaffri , Salman Faisal , Ahsan Mohsin Ikram , Fatima Shah Jillani , Kasim Khan , Ramsha Khan
Director: Rafay Rashdi
Writer: Rafay Rashdi
Country: Pakistan
Release: 2017-01-20
Duration: 135 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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