The Disciple 2020 Hindi
The Disciple 2020 Hindi

The Disciple 2020 Hindi

The Disciple 2020 Hindi Movie watch online free movie download movie

Sharad Nerulkar has devoted his life to becoming an Indian classical music vocalist, diligently following the traditions and discipline of old masters, his guru, and his father. But as years go by, he starts to wonder whether it’s really possible to achieve the excellence he’s striving for.

Views: 757

Genre: Drama , Indian movies

Actor: Aditya Modak , Arun Dravid , Sumitra Bhave , Kiran Yadnyopavit

Director: Chaitanya Tamhane

Writer: Chaitanya Tamhane

Country: India

Release: 2020-09-04

Duration: 127 Min

Quality: HD

Rating: 0



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