Ikko-Mikke 2020 Punjabi Movie
A young, egoistic couple are taught a valuable lesson when their souls get accidentally swapped and they find out what it`s like to walk in the other person`s shoes.
Ikko-Mikke 2020 Punjabi Movie watch online moviefuze.com
Views: 1501
Genre: Drama , Romance , Punjabi Movies , Unknown
Actor: Satinder Sartaaj , Aditi Sharma , Sardar Sohi , Mahabir Bhullar , Maninder Velly , Navdeep Kaler , Raj Dhaliwal
Director: Pankaj Verma
Writer: Pankaj Verma
Country: India ,
Release: 2020-03-13
Duration: 130 Min
Quality: DVDScr
Rating: 0
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